Omni-Chill PWC-SW Series Chiller System: Reliable, packaged water-cooled process chiller for indoor installations
The Omni-Chill PWC-SW Series Chiller reliably cools processes under a range of operating conditions, including intermittent loading, thermal cycling, low- or no-load operation, high operating fluid temperatures, and pump...
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Whether using evaporative, dry air, shell and tube or plate and frame heat exchangers or a combination of cooling methods, HydroThrift can fulfill virtually any customer's industrial cooling need with an appropriate closed loop system. Our personnel and facilities combine to provide our...
Mokon Full Range Heating & Chilling Systems: Mokon's Full Range temperature control system offers a combination heating/chilling system all in one package. A Mokon water system, combined with an Iceman chiller, integrates the benefits and features of both products into one compact, self-supporting unit. The Full Range system is ideal for...
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Wellman Furnaces, Inc. brings innovation together with the ability to engineer, design and build the answer to your heat processing problem. We offer our customers years of experience in the custom engineering of fuel fired and electrically heated furnaces and heat processing systems. Also, we...
At Flagship Marine, we are dedicated to providing the most dependable, and the most rugged commercial/military quality air conditioning and chiller units available. When downtime can equal lost dollars, the durable and dependable Flagship Chillers are money in the bank.
TC Series Central Chillers: Save up to 70% in energy costs. TC Series Central Chillers use revolutionary, frictionless, magnetic bearing compressors to deliver optimum chiller performance and part load efficiencies. Available from 60 tons to 180 tons with either single or completely independent dual refrigeration circuits....
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Heat treatment furnaces equipment and heat treatment chemicals
We manufacture plant wide chilling equipment for a variety of industrial applications complete with installation instructions. We supply water cooled chillers, indoor air cooled chillers, remote condenser air cooled chillers, chilled water pump tank systems, cooling towers with tower water pump...
Central Air Compressor is a top supplier of energy efficient air compressors, dry air systems, purification, and industrial process chillers. The equipment is supported by a trained service team eager to serve: and offering 24 hours emergency operation. The parts department has an inventory of...
Ipsen, Inc. designs and manufactures thermal processing systems including vacuum heat treating equipment, atmosphere furnaces and advanced thermal process control systems. With manufacturing operations worldwide, the most sophisticated research and development facilities in the industry, and...
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