Heat Treat Equipment may be the new kid on the block as a company but we have more than four decades of experience in the heat treat industry. Heat Treat Equipment was founded by John L. Becker, who has a long and distinguished career in the heat treat industry as the founder and long-time...
Whether processing for natural flavorings, fragrance, cannabis, or hemp, accurate and reliable temperature control in Extraction, Winterization and Short Path Distillation processes, maintaining precise set-point temperatures is necessary to produce high-quality essential oils.
Heat treatment furnaces equipment and heat treatment chemicals
Ipsen, Inc. designs and manufactures thermal processing systems including vacuum heat treating equipment, atmosphere furnaces and advanced thermal process control systems. With manufacturing operations worldwide, the most sophisticated research and development facilities in the industry, and...
DixiTech CNC specializes in the remanufacture, retrofit, rebuild and service of metal cutting machine tools. We’re specialists with quench presses, gear machines, turning centers, machining centers and have extensive experience with other metal cutting machines. Our products include: quench...
SBS Corporation has designed and manufactured thousands of heat treat, industrial, petrochemical and other related industrial cooling, filtering, and controlling systems.
Since 1865, Houghton International has been serving the metalworking, automotive, steel and other industries with the development and production of metalworking fluids. These include rolling fluids, lubricants, cleaners, hydraulic fluids, quenchants, coolants, forming compounds, conversion...