Sintering (PM / PIM / MIM) Compare 13 Companies

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Wellman Furnaces, Inc. brings innovation together with the ability to engineer, design and build the answer to your heat processing problem. We offer our customers years of experience in the custom engineering of fuel fired and electrically heated furnaces and heat processing systems. Also, we...

Solar Atmospheres is one of the world’s largest providers of commercial vacuum heat treating services including vacuum brazing, carburizing, nitriding and advanced processing of raw materials such as titanium, tantalum and nano powders. Through unmatched technical expertise, equipment, and...

Ipsen, Inc. designs and manufactures thermal processing systems including vacuum heat treating equipment, atmosphere furnaces and advanced thermal process control systems. With manufacturing operations worldwide, the most sophisticated research and development facilities in the industry, and...

For over 40 years Pyradia has been a major supplier of heat treating ovens & furnaces, web converting & thermoforming equipment as well as dust collecting systems.

MHI is your Brand for standard and novel custom thermal products and an innovative manufacturer of advanced materials and unique energy efficient solutions. Improve operational efficiencies with MHI convective and radiative energy transfer products.

Thermal-Vac is an independently owned American company providing more than two decades of heat-treating and brazing experience. Our traditional values include personal pride in each and every project undertaken, exceptional expertise by our dedicated personnel, and over two decades of...

Design and Manufacture of metal melting and heat treatment furnaces. Consultancy for assosciated processes. Installation and commissioning services.

Vacuum metallurgy engineering and fabrication services -- diffusion bonding, vacuum heat treating, vacuum brazing

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