
SUN-TEC Corporation

Hardness Testing Specialists

46590 Ryan Court
Novi, MI 48377

click for phone  |  Fax: (248) 669-1199


About SUN-TEC Corporation

For generations, Sun-Tec Corporation has been providing hardness testing solutions for manufacturers and laboratories. Sun-Tec was founded in the industrial epicenter in Detroit, Michigan. At our core, we uniquely specialize in hardness testing and technical service for machines that include Rockwell-Type, Vickers/Knoop, Brinell, Ductility, Tension/Compression and Metallographic. We offer a variety of new hardness testing and metallographic equipment, along with rebuilt testing machines structured to fit your testing needs and budget. We also offer an entire host of calibration hardness standards with accessories, such as diamond indenters, anvils, along with metallographic consumables and more.

Our technicians are experts in our industry. Whether you require calibration assistance or a completely rebuilt machine, our team provides exceptional service. We continue to educate and train our service techs so they’re prepared to solve your problem when out in the field.

Hardness testing is vital for manufacturing and process control. Industries such as automotive, aerospace, energy, medical, defense, R&D and education all depend on testing machines in order to validate the durability and repeatability of their products. With the proper use of Sun-Tec testing machines and metallographic equipment, you can be confident that your tests are reliably accurate.

Products by SUN-TEC Corporation

By SUN-TEC Corporation

Rockwell-Type Testers

Sun-Tec provides several different Rockwell-Type testers to meet your needs. Our CLC Series offers you the most advanced capabilities including custom settings for research applications. While our CR Series are work-horses built for high volume testing in standard, superficial or both... Read more »

Product Website

By SUN-TEC Corporation

Portable Testers

Sun-Tec Corporation realizes that not all hardness testing can be conducted from a bench top. That’s why they’ve developed a group of portable testers to be used on location. Whether it’s an awkward shape or difficult space, our portable testers can get the job done. All are light weight and... Read more »

Product Website

By SUN-TEC Corporation

Vickers / Knoop Testers

Sun-Tec Corporation has an impressive combination of Vickers / Knoop testers. We offer both Macro (CV), and Micro (CM) testers. They are ideal for testing small precision parts, thin materials and wire, coatings or performing case depth deformation. For a total, all inclusive package, that... Read more »

Product Website

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