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Automatic hardness testers for Rockwell and Superficial Rockwell test methods in compliance with ASTM and ISO standards. Test loads from 1 to 250 kgf (9,807 to 2452 N).
Innovative measurement technology with vertical measure system: The AFFRI® System Hardness testers achieve the highest level of measurement of depth accuracy and resolution available for a Hardness Test.

Hardness testers equipped with a unique closed loop electronic force measuring system and accurate “in-line” depth measuring technology for fast, precise, and reliable test even in case of bending of 50 mm or on unstable or oiled surface

One button measurements: Just press one button and the hardness tester's head moves down to make contact with the sample's surface blocking it and automatically starts the test cycle in automatic succession without breaching a phase. After few seconds results appear.

- Multifunctional key pad

- High accuracy and high "repeatability and reproducibility" standards

- Motorized measuring head with long vertical stroke

- Wide working area bearing 1000 kg test pieces

- Remote control for service and update

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