Induction Melting Furnaces

Available from ElectroHeat Induction
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At Electroheat Induction, we provide quality equipment for a variety of industries, customize equipment to suit your unique needs. Our induction melting furnaces feature individual power controls and the latest IGBT technology.

Using cutting-edge advances in induction melting, we provide induction melting furnaces with maximum efficiency.

Our power-saving features include:

• Improved melting rates and unit consumption through scaled-down electrical losses
• Exceptional coil winding techniques designed to increase performance
• Optimized power margins through in-built circuitry that precisely monitors sanctioned demand and load power
• Uniform temperature distribution through both top and bottom cooling turns
• Magnetic shunts that cut heat losses and help to prevent overheating

Induction Melting Furnace Capabilities:

Melting Copper, Cast Iron, Aluminum, Steel, Brass, Bronze, Silicon, Gold and Silver, Smelting Silver and Gold concentrate (precipitate) for the mining industry.

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