National Heat Treat, LLC.

6923 Brittmoore Road
Houston, TX 77041

Competitors of National Heat Treat, LLC.

Dry Coolers, Inc.

Dry Coolers, Inc.

Dry Coolers specializes in industrial fluid cooling systems. Since 1985, we have designed and manufactured a range of industrial fluid cooling systems, from small, standard point-of-service cooling solutions to complex, plant-wide systems. Dry Coolers provides right-sized, reliable, and... Read More

Heat Treat Equipment may be the new kid on the block as a company but we have more than four decades of experience in the heat treat industry. Heat Treat Equipment was founded by John L. Becker, who has a long and distinguished career in the heat treat industry as the founder and long-time... Read More

Wellman Furnaces

Wellman Furnaces, Inc. brings innovation together with the ability to engineer, design and build the answer to your heat processing problem. We offer our customers years of experience in the custom engineering of fuel fired and electrically heated furnaces and heat processing systems. Also, we... Read More