Upton Industries Inc

30435 Groesbeck Hwy
Roseville, MI 48066

About Upton Industries Inc

Upton Industries began as a manufacturer of molten salt bath equipment in 1937 with the advent of the submerged electrode design which has since become the industry standard for electric salt bath furnaces.

Competitors of Upton Industries Inc

Can-Eng Furnaces International, Ltd.

Can-Eng Furnaces International, Ltd.

CAN-ENG Furnaces International Limited has the depth of experience to custom engineer heat treating equipment for the most demanding application. We pride ourselves in providing innovative, state-of-the-art equipment that helps our customers improve their bottom line and gain a competitive... Read More

Salt bath furnaces, electric or gas fired, for temperatures up to 2350°F and related equipment, like preheat furnaces and quench, wash and rinse tanks. Specialized manual to fully automatic material handling systems. Exhaust systems with filters or scrubbers. Pollution control systems for all... Read More

Heat Treat Equipment may be the new kid on the block as a company but we have more than four decades of experience in the heat treat industry. Heat Treat Equipment was founded by John L. Becker, who has a long and distinguished career in the heat treat industry as the founder and long-time... Read More