Allied High Tech Products Incorporated

16207 Carmenita Rd
Cerritos, CA 90703

About Allied High Tech Products Incorporated

For over 37 years, Allied has been meeting the needs of concerns engaged in the microelectronics, materials science, materials manufacturing, aerospace, military, photonics, fiber optics, and research & development industries. We aggressively pursue the advancement of methods and procedures related to each of these industries, and therefore promote close working relationships with several hundred of the world’s leading research universities, laboratories and institutions. The Allied commitment is simple and complete: we provide our customers the finest and most advanced equipment and consumables for surface and sample preparation, expert technical assistance, and unequalled service, before and after purchase. Every day. Worldwide. Our measure of success has always been, and always will be, your complete satisfaction with Allied's products and services.

Competitors of Allied High Tech Products Incorporated

SUN-TEC Corporation

SUN-TEC Corporation

For generations, Sun-Tec Corporation has been providing hardness testing solutions for manufacturers and laboratories. Sun-Tec was founded in the industrial epicenter in Detroit, Michigan. At our core, we uniquely specialize in hardness testing and technical service for machines that include... Read More

Qualitest USA

Qualitest is a top-ranking suppliers of testing technologies worldwide. With our extensive portfolio of state-of-the-art and competitively priced testing machines, systems and software, we supply standard or customized solutions for many tests, measurement and quality control tasks required in... Read More


Since 1936 Buehler designs and manufactures metallographic equipment and consumables for cross-sectional analysis. In 2020 Buehler celebrates the 100 years of the Wilson hardness testers. Global metallurgical laboratories, quality control departments, research centers and failure analysis... Read More