Mesh Belt Furnaces

Available from Thermo Transfer Inc.

Product Details

Mesh Belt Furnaces (Click to enlarge image) Continuous mesh-belt furnaces are used for hardening, annealing, tempering, and as ovens. Parts are set directly on the belt and generally require no trays or fixtures. Quench systems and cooling chambers can also be provided. Furnaces can be designed for use with or without atmosphere.

Standard capacities from 100 lbs/hr to 6,000 lbs/hr

- Continuous production
- Superior part quality capabilities
- Proven field reliability
- Maximum fuel efficiency

Processes available include sintering, clean hardening, light case carburizing & carbonitriding, austempering, and martempering. Mesh belt lines are completely automated heat-treating systems that include loading systems, washers, hardening furnace, quench, temper, soluble oil tanks and atmosphere generators.

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