Exothermic Gas Generators

Available from Thermo Transfer Inc.

Product Details

Exothermic Gas Generators (Click to enlarge image) Thermo Transfer manufactures a complete line of endothermic, exothermic, nitrogen (molecular sieve) and dissociated ammonia gas generators. The endothermic gas generators can be gas or electric heated. The exothermic gas generator can be supplied with a boiler to produce steam as well as generated gas. Refrigeration and dryer systems are also available for the exothermic and ammonia dissociator gas generators.

Exothermic Gas is produced by burning a hydrocarbon fuel (natural gas, propane or butane) with air. The product gas is then cooled, and condensate is removed through a trap.

An exothermic generator consists of a refractory lines water cooled combustion chamber and has components to measure air and gas flow. A nozzle mix burner with cross-connected air -gas ratio assures accurate ratio. The product ga is cooled in a shell and tube type heat exchanger. A cyclone type separator separates gas and large water drop lets. the condensate is removed through a trap. All controls are centrally located within reach and at eye-level permitting one person operation.

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